The Yes on 8 campaign has created a new ad that fights back against the recent Jack O'Connell No on 8 ad, explaining the truth about how Prop 8 affects schools. It shows footage of the first grade class being taken to a lesbian wedding earlier this month. Please watch it and spread it around online! Go to
One of our most fervent supporters has agreed to match, dollar for
dollar, whatever you and I can donate, up to a total of $1 million.
That means that every dollar you give will buy two dollars in
advertising time. You can donate here at the official website. If we aren’t successful in raising a minimum of $2 million more to supplement our advertising buy for next week, we will lose. Please contribute as much as you can, and encourage everyone you know who supports traditional marriage to do likewise. We need to be able to fight back hard this next week with advertising!
1 year ago
How & Why Did France DENY Same Sex Couples Marriage?
France Says Marriage Is Strictly Reserved For Heterosexual Couples!
Why? The Answer Will Probably Surprise You!
Please Read It & Place Your Vote With A Clear Conscious For YES! On Prop. 8…
Keep up the work on your super blog!! =)
Have you seen this article? It is amazing to see how far opponents of Proposition 8 will go to see this prop doesn’t pass. This was quite an eye-opener. It is worth reading all the way to the end.
One of our most fervent supporters has agreed to match, dollar for dollar, whatever you and others can donate, up to a total of $1 million. That means that every dollar you give will buy two dollars in advertising time.
Click below to donate
as i've studied this issue, i've realized that the state really does have a responsibility to protect its children.
France took a year studying the issue BEFORE they decided. They rejected same-sex marriage because of the rights of children.
Every child has a right to a mom and a dad. This is how they grow and learn best. While homosexual parents might be really good people, they can't equal a mom AND a dad.
society has an obligation to provide this basic and natural/biological right to its children.
there is a cool discussion going on here:
and here:
wow. All you yesers are just abunch of comment bots. trying to get each other to visit your blog. Impressive. I am also impressed with how a bunch of non-educators believe they know more than not only the largest teachers union in the state but also the super-intendent of schools.
Surely they must all be a part of some conspiracy to indoctrinate kids...
Save Our Children’s Innocence! Vote Yes! On Prop. 8. This Is A Heartbreaker, But You Need To Know This Now. It Might Be A Gay Activist Agenda On Little Kids As Young As 5! Watch here…
(Warning! Have some tissue...I cried when I saw it.)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I just read that Prop 8 passed in California. There's hope for us yet!
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