Saturday, October 25, 2008

We Need Your Support!

The Yes on 8 campaign has created a new ad that fights back against the recent Jack O'Connell No on 8 ad, explaining the truth about how Prop 8 affects schools. It shows footage of the first grade class being taken to a lesbian wedding earlier this month. Please watch it and spread it around online! Go to

One of our most fervent supporters has agreed to match, dollar for
dollar, whatever you and I can donate, up to a total of $1 million.
That means that every dollar you give will buy two dollars in
advertising time. You can donate here at the official website. If we aren’t successful in raising a minimum of $2 million more to supplement our advertising buy for next week, we will lose. Please contribute as much as you can, and encourage everyone you know who supports traditional marriage to do likewise. We need to be able to fight back hard this next week with advertising!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Our Children Must Trump the Wishes of Some Adults

I have so much going through my mind right now, I don't even know where to start. First of all, I am stunned at the "Gay Day" recently held for kindergarteners at Faith Ringgold School of Art and Science. What? Did I just hear that the California State Superintendant of Public Instruction, Mr. Jack O’Connell , has appeared in recent ads stating that gay marriage won't have any impact on education? In the past few weeks alone that has proven to be completely false! (see lesbian wedding below) How can he flat out lie like that? Homosexual education in the schools is already happening!

I feel very strongly that children need both a father and a mother. This evidence is supported in this recent report by Dr. Laura A. Haynes, a psychologist from Tustin, California. She concludes by stating:

As much as we may empathize with some homosexuals who may want to marry or parent, it is unethical to experiment with children and to send our young people down a path that places them in harms' way. Our children must trump the wishes of some adults. It is a social good to protect marriage as being between a man and a woman.

We must protect our children from indoctrination in our public schools, and preserve the rights of children to have both a father and a mother.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I've found some very interesting reading online from one church that's heavily involved in supporting Prop. 8. To quote from an article on their website:

The Church’s opposition to same-sex marriage neither constitutes nor condones any kind of hostility towards homosexual men and women. Protecting marriage between a man and a woman does not affect Church members’ Christian obligations of love, kindness and humanity toward all people.

As Church members decide their own appropriate level of involvement in protecting marriage between a man and a woman, they should approach this issue with respect for others, understanding, honesty, and civility.

The entire text of this article can be found here. All of us in support of Prop 8 should reflect upon this counsel and determine if we're living up to those guidelines. It is sad to hear about signs being stolen, violence, or even nasty comments on a blog like this blogger reports. Obviously we don't have control over the actions of those who oppose Prop. 8...all we can do is try our best to stay positive and voice our opinions as strongly, loudly, and respectfully as we can.

In Abby Earth's Weblog She talks about how most of her gay friends want their own title, and not the term "marriage" to label their own union. That's an interesting concept, and I wonder what percentage of the gay population would agree. I wish that Abby's gay friends would let their voices be heard a little louder, because that's the first I've heard of it.

Let's keep fighting the fight, it's worth it! Our children are worth it!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

CTU contributes 1.25 Million to defeat Prop 8

It is amazing to me that the California Teachers Union contributed a whopping 1.25 million dollars in an effort to defeat Proposition 8. This is a blatant manifestation of where they stand on the issue of homosexual marriage, and how their agenda is to indoctrinate school children with this belief system. I wrote a letter to David Sanchez, the President of the CTU at to express how offensive this is to me. I encourage you to do the same. One California teacher shown on this blog explains his contempt for the CTU. Critics of Prop 8 may insist that it has nothing to do with education, but the previous examples show that it definitely does. The indoctrinization of young children is already happening in Massachusetts, as shown in Robb and Robin Wirthlin's story. Let's keep up the fight to define marriage as between one man and one woman!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Selective Tolerance

Wow, Sunday morning as I drove to church, I couldn't believe what I saw. Or, perhaps I should say I was dumbfounded at what I DIDN'T see. Every single "YES on Prop 8" sign in our area had been stolen!!! I drove throughout the city and could not find a single sign where there had been dozens the day before. There had obviously been an organized attempt to steal every YES on PROP 8 sign in sight. Not only did the perpetrators steal, they also trespassed on private property in many cases. I admire how this blogger diffused a potentially explosive confrontation. There is some great information on how to show love while disagreeing on this website . I encourage everyone to check it out! Once again, I hope that the theft and vandalism--not to mention the violence--will completely stop and people will research the facts on protecting traditional marriage!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Prop 8 Supporter Attacked

How sad to read about a man who was brutally assaulted for simply passing out yard signs for the YES on Prop 8 Campaign. Click here for the full story. That should be all over the news! Not only was he assaulted, but his yard signs were stolen. On Sunday our bishop said that his yard sign was stolen too, and he recommended bringing them in at night. That is ridiculous. Let's take this to the polls and act like civilized human beings. This is why we live in America, people! See this blog for more information on how the original article reporting the attack (in the Los Angeles Examiner) was taken off their website!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lesbian Wedding

I was shocked to read this article about a 1st grade field trip to a lesbian wedding in the San Francisco Chronicle. At least the parents of these young children had the choice to opt out of the field trip itself. However, obviously there will be talk after the wedding when the teacher returns from her honeymoon. She'll thank the students who came to support her on her wedding day as anyone would. What will the students who didn't go on the field trip think? Of course they'll still hear about it even though they didn't actually attend the field trip. This indoctrination of small children is already happening to our kids! Propostion 8 supports the benefits of marriage that are in the best interest of kids now and in the future. Pass along the word to vote YES on Prop. 8!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Great video

Check this gives some important facts about the results of Prop 8 on our future. Protect marriage and protect the rights of future generations!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Yes on Proposition 8!

Okay, so here I am starting another blog, can you believe it? Well, this one is super important to me. I'm writing all I can about what I find regarding the Yes on Prop 8 campaign. I am in support of traditional marriage, and I feel like the future of our country depends on it. This is a family issue that will have huge and lasting effects. If you want to read more about the consequences if Prop 8 fails, check out this site:

Watch this!